SARA Work Party 3
Kilo Parks Award
SARA Field Day 2011
SARA Does Skywarn
Fitzgerald Crew 2012
May 14th Fox Hunt! What Fun!
2017 SARA Officers
Release to Listen Award 2013
SARA Work Party 2

Field Day – June 28 – 29th

SARA will be operating from the same site as last year, in Autumn Hills Park in Oak Park Heights – just to the west of Boutwells Landing.

The contest starts at 1800 UTC Saturday and runs through 2059 UTC Sunday. 

As always everyone is encouraged to come, including the public.  We’re looking for volunteers to help with setup, operation and tear down.  We’ll be meeting at the park at 9:00 Saturday morning for setup.  We’ve reserved a shelter at the park making it possible for us to operate in moderate, inclement weather.

But that won’t be an issue since the day will have mild temperatures and sunny skies.

Peter N0GRM shared particulars about the event in a recent club broadcast. In it he solicited you to volunteer to help during the event.

Here are a few of the opportunities where YOU can assist:
>  Operator Scheduling
>  Logistics & Equipment
>  Antenna Set-up (“OXB Special” antennas of course!)
>  Transceiver Set-up
>  Logging Computer Set-up
>  Digital Operation (CW, PSK31, etc.)
>  Food Preparation
>  Housekeeping/Clean-up
>  Miscellaneous
If you know you can attend; let Dave W0OXB@radioham.org or Peter N0GRM@RadioHam.org Know.