2018 WØTBC Memorial Award-NØDRX
Split Rock Lighthouse 2012
SARA Work Party 1
SARA Work Party 3
2021 W0TBC Memorial Award
Ice Station WØJH 2014
2017 SARA Officers
2023 Simonet Memorial Award
AGØH 2013


Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

1618 Pine Street West

Stillwater, Minnesota 55082


President: KCØOIO

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM.


A moment of silence was held in memory of Linda Engstrom KEØIYG who was found deceased in her home on August 26th.

A moment of silence was held in remembrance of the victims of Hurricanes Harvey & Irma.

Program:  Radio Amateur Satellite Communication – Soren Straarup AK4WQ

Soren gave a great overview of how to communicate with other hams via satellites.  There is an excellent website that lists the two-way communications satellites carrying VHF/UHF repeaters, transponders, and digipeaters– www.amsat.org.  One of the advantages of this mode is that very low power is required (5 watts), only a technician license is required, you can use a handheld antenna, and you have a limited time for a QSO due to the short visibility of the satellite over your geographic position.

The equipment is somewhat specialized to this mode but is typically not very expensive.  One of the tricky elements involved is orienting the handheld antenna in both elevation and polarization to maximize reception during a QSO while at the same time tuning the transceiver to ‘search & pounce’ to establish a contact.

Soren did a demonstration of several QSO’s in the parking lot and later gave us a detailed explanation of his equipment and how to look up the satellite times and directions.

Satellite operations is a specialized mode that most of the club members had never been exposed to before.  The demonstration was very enlightening and especially entertaining due to Soren’s obvious passion for this operating mode.

Secretary’s ReportSteve KAØOBI

The general meeting minutes from the May 13, 2017 meeting are posted on the website.  Please report any corrections to: Secretary@radioham.org

Treasurer’s Report:  John N5JLZ

Beginning Balance:     8/1/2017         $2,400.99

Income:                                                     $20.00

Expenses:                                                  $19.27

Ending Balance:          8/31/2017       $2,401.72 (Not including RBP income/expenses)

$17,299.34 (Including RBP income/expenses)

Education and Training:  Bob WØGAF (Not present)

The fall classes for the General license will be held September 14th thru November 2nd.  Many of the classes will be held at the Oakdale and Lake Elmo libraries due to conflicts for classroom space at the Stillwater Library.

Activities & Events:  Dave WØOXB

Radios in the Park Recap– We had very good participation this summer at Valley View Park, Oak Park Heights on June 8th & 29th, July 20th, and August 31st from 5:30 to 8 PM.  It was a great chance to get out in the field and operate portable and experience different antennas and see new rigs in operation.

Field Day Recap – It was another successful weekend on June 24th & 25th at the Autumn Hills Park adjacent to Boutwells.  The special 25th anniversary dinner with grilled pork chops and grilled chicken prepared by Colin KEØIYN was a real treat.  We also had an opportunity to present the first Joe Simonet WØTBC Founder’s Award to Dave Glas WØOXB.

Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald – Coming soon on Nov 3, 4, & 5 at the Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.  This will be our 13th consecutive year of operating to commemorate the event.  It’s not too early to call the Mariner’s Motel in Silver Bay to make your reservation – (218) 226-4488.

M.A.P. (Membership Assistance Program) – Several projects are already on the schedule for the near future.  The weather will soon be changing so the window of opportunity for antenna projects is getting smaller.

Remote Base Project (RBP): Pat WAØTDA (Not present)

Both of the remote stations are currently operating OK.  Additional radios have been put on consignment at Radio City.  The club is still looking for a new home for the WØZSW remote base station.

Newsletter & Website:  Pat WAØTDA (Not present)

The newsletter has resumed publication and the September issue of Signals is now available on the club website.

Washington County ARES: John KAØHYR

Participate on the ARES net on Sept 10th at 7PM on the SEMARC repeater 146.985.

The Simulated Emergency Test will be held Sept 14-16 – the details will be emailed to the Washington County ARES members.  Check the website for updates – www.mnwashcoares.org.

The hurricane net has been active since Sept 6 on 7.268 MHz.  FEMA is using 60 meters so it is best to stay off that band.

SARA Nets & Ragchews:

SARA Tuesday Round Robin Ragchew – on 12 meters at 24.955 MHz at 7PM.

SARA Monday morning Round Robin Ragchew – on 75 meters at 3.856 MHz at 0830 but will be moving to 9AM soon.

SARA Digi Net – may be starting on Oct 15 at 7PM on 3.581.15 MHz centered on 800-1000.

SARA  160 meter Top Band Ragchew – is on 1.966 MHz every night at 8PM except Tuesday & Thursday.

DX News:  Mike NØODK (Not present)

Midway Island KH4 & Kure Island KH7K have been reinstated as part of the DXCC listing.

Check out www.ng3k.com and DXnews.com for DX & Contest Calendar information.

Program Schedule:

Sept – Radio Amateur Satellite Communication – Soren Straarup AK4WQ

Oct – Micro/Single Board Computers in the Shack – Collin KEØIYN

Nov – ARISS School Contact – Story Behind John Glenn Middle School – John Dean KØIDD

Dec – Ask/Stump the Elmer – Round 2

Jan – SARA  White Elephant Exchange Party

Old Business:

The SARA Oval Sticker/Decals are on sale for $1 each from John N5JLZ.

The SARA Coffee Mugs are on sale for $3 each from Keith AGØH.

You can order SARA wearables directly from www.hamthreads.com.  Be sure to mention SARA to get the club discount.

We will have a club trailer work session on Sept 15-16 at Joe’s KCØOIO QTH.  Please contact Joe if you can help.  We will be starting about 9 or 10 AM on Friday morning.  They will be installing the shelving,  building and installing the work/operating desk in the front nose, and completing the wiring and lighting.

New Business:


Good of Association:

SEMARC meeting will be held Sept 26 at 7PM at the Zion Lutheran Church, 8500 Hillside Trail, Cottage Grove.

There is a Special Event celebrating Air Mail Flights Sept 9-10 on 20 & 40 meters on 7.265 and 14.265 MHz.

50/50 Drawing – The total take was $74 with $37 going to the winner – Bill KDØOTB donated his winnings back to the club.

The program and meeting concluded at 11:13 AM.

Meeting attendance: 31