AGØH 2013
Split Rock Lighthouse 2012
WØJH 2004
Fitzgerald Crew 2011
SARA Work Party 2
Kilo Parks Award
Ice Station WØJH 2014
SARA Does Skywarn
OXB Special Install
2017 SARA Officers


President Peter Howard NØGRM called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.

Secretary’s Report: Dan (ADØDV)

 Present was Dave (WØOXB), John (N5JLZ), Peter (NØGRM), Dan (ADØDV).  We have a quorum.

Treasurer Report: John (N5JLZ)       Beginning Balance                       4628.21

   Income:                       $20.00

. Expenses:.                    $ 5.00

                                                              Ending Balance ……………………….$ 4643.21


Membership Status as of March:  There were 75 members (68 regular members and 7 associate members).

Activities & Events: Dave (WØOXB)

Field Day will be held June 28th and 29th (9am-5pm there abouts). We will need committee volunteers so please tell Dave if your coming. John has secured liquor  permit and shelter.

April- Keith AGØH, Joe KCØOIO and Bob WØGAF will discuss FREEDV (digital voice for HF) and DStar.

May- Show and Tell, members can bring interesting piece of gear to show and tell.  Members will also be allowed to bring up to 3 pieces of electronic gear to barter or trade.

Education and Training: Bob (WØGAF) –  The Tech class  is going well.

Joe and Bob will have the study class at the same time as the eye-ball on the Thursdays 6:00pm.

Digital Net:  Joe (KCØOIO) Sunday at 19:00 hours local time 3582.15 for PSK 63 and second Sunday for PSK-31.

Newsletter Committee: Dead line for newsletter is 2 (two) weeks before the Membership meeting Wednesday April 2, 2014.

Repeater update:  Henry KØHAS –  Repeater is working well.

New business. The meeting minutes for February will be available for approval on Board Officers’ GoogleDrive along with the Membership meeting minutes for February.

The clothing order will be solicited by Dan at the April General meeting.  It will be submitted then so we have something by Field D ay on June 28th.

Dave bought two tents for club use at the price of $448.85 (paid invoice was submitted to the Treasurer. Dave Is waiting for the heaters “best price” season since we will not use them right away.

The next board meeting will be held April 17, 2014.

Peter stated he is hoping to have a May  1st  , 2014 date as a goal for new web-site launch.


Motion to adjourn by Peter seconded by Dan – passes 7:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


SARA Secretary