Split Rock 2013
SARA Does Skywarn
Release to Listen Award 2013
Kilo Parks Award
Fitzgerald Crew 2012
Ice Station WØJH 2014
Split Rock Lighthouse 2012
Ice Station WØJH 2014
AGØH 2013
SARA Work Party 3


If you purchase a new TNC, a used TNC, lose the parameters in the TNC from power failure or a hard reset, here are a list of parameters to set. These parameters are for a KPC 3, but are very similar for other modles and brands.

Parameters are installed when the CMD prompt is visible. If it is not visible, type control C then enter and the cmd prompt will appear. Then just type the parameter without the following information and enter to see the parameter. If it is not the desired setting, then type the parameter followed by the information and enter. The tnc usually responds with the parameter setting. Some parameters do not respond with the setting and you can
check if your setting took effect by just typing the parameter without the following information and enter.

intface terminal
mycall yourcall
mynode yourcall-7
ctext Packet station of yourcall. PBBS yourcall-1
Ptext Packet mailbox of yourcall
ntext Packet node of yourcall
pbf w0mr after 1 Note.. if you are using an old tnc, this parameter is not available and will return ?eh
htext #msp.mn.usa.noam Note.. Same as note above
pbbs 100. Note.. If it says not enough memory, set to 5
numnodes 1
cd software
monitor on
mcom off
mcon off
abaud 9600
set echo to on if you need to see characters echoed on the screen or off if you see double characters.

If you are using an old tnc without battery back-up, now issue the parameter perm that permanently sets your parameters above in memory in case of a power fail or you shut down.

Jerry, NØMR