May 14th Fox Hunt! What Fun!
2014 SARA Officers
The Joe Simonet WØTBC Memorial Award
2017 SARA Officers
2018 WØTBC Memorial Award-NØDRX
WØJH 2004
2021 W0TBC Memorial Award
SARA Work Party 1
Fitzgerald Crew 2011
Kilo Parks Award

October’s “Signals from SARA” now ready for your reading pleasure

The October 2016 issues of Signals from SARA is available for download. In this issue:

October’s meeting Program features Bill Mitchell AEØEE sharing his experiences on the VKØEK Heard Island DXpedition in March 2016. This is a “Don’t miss” presentation about the major DXpedition from the first person perspective and is sure to be most interesting.

Mike NØODK is heading to Vietnam this month and will be on the air as 3W2DK. Mike shares his radio plans with SARA.

WØJH Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald Special Event Station is coming up, get the details for participating in this big SARA event.

SARA President Joe KCØOIO shares what’s new in his shack.

Pat WAØTDA share some thoughts on propogation as we head into the solar minimum.

“On The Waterfall” is back with information on JT65 software choices, and the SARA HF Digital Net returns for the season.

SARA’s 75-meter Round Robin Rag Chew is off to a great start!

General License Class is underway.