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Kilo Parks Award
The Joe Simonet WØTBC Memorial Award
Release to Listen Award 2013
May 14th Fox Hunt! What Fun!
2014 SARA Officers
2019 SARA Executive Officers
New Radio Gear For Some SARA Members!
Fitzgerald Crew 2012


This week at Handiham Headquarters

This vintage QSL card, discovered in an old file at Handiham Headquarters, is from silent key Father George Metcalf, W0JH. The card is simple text with the callsign of the long-time Handiham member and supporter Father George, and boxes to fill in for the various aspects of the contact. It is printed on light card stock with a pale yellow color. This particular card shows that Father George contacted WA0SGJ, Sister Alverna O’Laughlin, in 1990. The W0JH callsign is now held by The Stillwater Amateur Radio Association, a Handiham affiliated club, in honor of Father George. The club website is at

Do you know what Father George was famous for? Come to an eyeball QSO some Thursday night at the Stillwater Public Library and ask!

We will bet that you have vintage QSL cards, too. If you can send a scan or photo of your vintage QSL cards, we will feature them here. What the heck – the HF bands are still pretty poor, so we might as well keep ourselves busy with vintage cards! Please send the images to along with a few words, if you wish, explaining the card or perhaps recalling those days when you were sending lots of these out. We will also feature your comments and callsign in the story.