Fitzgerald Crew 2012
Kilo Parks Award
SARA Does Skywarn
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SARA Work Party 2
OXB Special Install
SARA Work Party 3
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The Joe Simonet WØTBC Memorial Award
WØJH 2004

Washington County ARES to host Build Day

The Washington County ARES Build Day is scheduled for April 25th, Saturday, from 9:30 to 12 noon. The Location is Woodbury High School, Room 248. We will be working on FLDigi kits and set-up, on NVIS antennas, and on mesh networking. This is a large set of projects, so we will be relying on several experts (Elmer’s) in our ARES group to help us with these projects.

If you are interested in participating in this Build Day, you need to do the following things:

1. Email ARES EC John Regan and let him know you are coming and what you are planning on working on. :

2. Obtain and bring to the Build Day the necessary components (see below)

3. Bring the necessary tools for construction

4. Take the risk to extend your amateur radio knowledge

For NVIS antenna, you will need the wire and center connector for the antenna; a soldering iron and solder are also necessary.

For the FLDigi project, you will need the sound card kit (an SCI-6 kit from and audio connector cable from Radio Shack. A soldering gun, solder, and audio connectors are necessary to connect to your computer. The web site with the information on the software is . If you are using a SignaLink or West Mountain Radio product, we will have persons there to help you with the wiring that may be required.

For the Mesh project you will need a router (Note program by Dick Roberts and Mike Tabbert on web site) for the models, an antenna and connectors and a power source. I think a 12v battery is sufficient. Mike and Dick will help us with this. The web sites with the information on mesh is www.HSEM-MESH.ORG and .

If you are just coming to watch, you still must notify John Regan and then attend.

In conclusion, attendees will need to bring the necessary materials and tools. A warm space and, most importantly, experts will be in attendance to help us.

The purposes of this Build Day are to enjoy our hobby by building projects with our colleagues and to increase our capabilities with new digital hardware and software.

Hope you can join us.


John Regan, KA0HYR