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Hams to demo radio communications June 25 & 26

Amateur radio operators (hams) will demonstrate radio communications skills at Autumn Hills Park (Norell Ave. N. & Norwich Pkwy.) in Oak Park Heights, MN. The event, sponsored by the Stillwater Amateur Radio Association (SARA), is open to anyone interested in learning about amateur radio. Activities are set for Saturday, June 25 (1:00 – 6:00 p.m.) and Sunday, June 26 (10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.).

Field Day is an annual event held at over 2,500 locations throughout North America and involves about 35,000 radio operators. Portable field stations will be set to demonstrate the newest digital communications systems, voice communications and classic Morse code. Visitors of all ages will have hands-on opportunities to participate in two-way communications.

Hams, regulated by the Federal Communications Commission, have been experimenting and improving “wireless” radio communications for over 100 years. In recent times, hams have provided emergency communications for various public safety departments and community support agencies. Hams frequently volunteer their services to provide vital communications when internet, cell and conventional telephone networks are overloaded or inoperative.