AGØH 2013
Fitzgerald Crew 2011
Fitzgerald Crew 2012
2014 SARA Officers
New Radio Gear For Some SARA Members!
SARA Work Party 1
May 14th Fox Hunt! What Fun!
2021 W0TBC Memorial Award
2019 SARA Executive Officers
Kilo Parks Award


Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

1618 Pine Street West

Stillwater, Minnesota 55082


President: Joe KCØOIO

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 AM.

Secretary’s Report: Steve KAØOBI

The general meeting minutes from the October 10, 2015 meeting are posted on the website. Please report any corrections to:

Treasurer’s Report: John N5JLZ

Beginning Balance:     10/1/2015       $2,679.05

Income:                                                  $322.00

Expenses:                                                 $30.00

Ending Balance:          10/31/2015     $2,971.05

Education and Training: Bob WØGAF

Fall General Classes update: classes are complete.

The VE session was held November 12, 2015. We now have 3 new General Class license holders.

A show of hands revealed 6 or 7 people interested in forming an Extra Class study group in the Spring of 2016. A new pool of questions and study manual will be released at the end of June 2016.

Activities & Events: Dave WØOXB (not present)

Thursday Night Eye Ball Sessions – are held at Stillwater Public Library at 6 PM CT. The library will be closed on Nov 26th, Dec 24th, and Dec 31st so there won’t be any sessions held on those days.

Recap of Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald Special Event 2015 – 781 contacts were made and 271 were verified. Reservations have already been made for the 12th annual event on Nov 4, 5, and 6, 2016.

Ice Station WØJH – will be held Feb 13,14,15, 2016. The location is yet to be determined.

MAPDave WØOXB (not present)

Member Assistance Program – A MAP intervention took place at the QTH of Shel NØDRX and Mary NØDXH. A brand new center-fed multi-band dipole was installed 10 days ago.

Handihams: Pat WAØTDA

The remote station is back up and running and can be accessed via

The Handiham Equipment Loan Program is untenable as it currently exists. Joe KCØOIO and Pat WAØTDA have developed a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) between SARA and the Courage Kenny Handiham Program for the transition and disposition of the Handiham Equipment Loan Program (HELP). This would involve maintaining the top level equipment for special operating events and liquidating the balance of the equipment in storage at Woodbury. The MOU will be brought before the SARA board for approval.

Washington County ARES: John KAØHYR (not present)

Check the web site regularly for current events, net schedule, and other items of significance.

Digital Net: Joe KCØOIO

SARA DIGI Net is held every Sunday night at 7 PM CT.

Two meter ragchew is held every Wednesday night at 9 PM CT. You can find us at 147.060 MHz 114.8 Hz Tone.

160 meters SARA Top Band Ragchew is at 1.966 MHz. They operate every night except Tuesday & Thursday at 8 PM CT.

Newsletter & Website: Pat WAØTDA & Dave WØOXB

Thanks to Pat and Dave for putting together the newsletter! Additional contributors are needed. The deadline for submissions is the last Saturday of the month.

DX News: Mike NØODK (not present)

SARA outgoing DX QSL service – SARA will package and send outbound DX QSL cards to the ARRL Bureau for SARA members who are also ARRL members. Please include a copy of your QST mailing label showing your ARRL member number with your QSL package. Give your cards to Bob WØGAF.

Get the latest DX news by subscribing to the ARRL DX News. Also check out for DX & Contest Calendar.

Program Schedule:

Nov:     John Dean KØJDD – Going APRS

Dec:     Amateur Radio Trivia Challenge

Jan:      S.W.E.E.P.

Feb:     Keith AGØH & Mike WAØKKE – SSTV + DSSTV

Mar:    Solar Indices & Propagation or SOTA

Apr:     Dan WDØGUP – Fox Hunting

Old Business:

SARA coffee mugs are on sale for $3 each.

The SARA Oval Sticker/Decals are on sale for $1 each or you can get a free one when you renew your annual membership ($20) for 2016.

New Business:


Good of Association:

There will be a SEMARC Meeting on Nov. 24th at the Zion Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove.

The ARRL Amateur Radio Parity Act – become active in helping to get this passed by sending a letter to ARRL which will be sorted with others and hand delivered to your State Representative.

A computer and printer was set up for members to customize a letter to their representative and print it out at the meeting.

Show Us Your Shack:

A photo of N9EZC shack in Shoreview, MN was featured.

The business part of the meeting adjourned at 9:58 AM.


Program: “Going APRS” presented by John Dean KØJDD

John gave a very complete overview of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System), its origin, how he uses it personally and how members can take advantage of using it themselves. The idea was developed by Bob Bruninga WB4APR back in the late 1980’s. Since its development a great deal of inexpensive equipment has been made available so that you can try using it for very little investment.

Most people have been using it for tracking objects in real time.  John has used it extensively on the MS150 charity bicycle ride to track riders on the course which can help with placing resources where they are most needed. The tracking can easily be plotted and followed via the internet.

The complete presentation in PDF format has been posted on the club website.


Meeting was adjourned at 11 AM.

Meeting attendance: 30