2014 SARA Officers
OXB Special Install
Fitzgerald Crew 2012
SARA Work Party 1
Kilo Parks Award
WØJH 2004
2021 W0TBC Memorial Award
New Radio Gear For Some SARA Members!
SARA Field Day 2011



Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

1618 Pine Street West

Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

President:  Joe KCØOIO

The meeting was called to order at 9:13 AM.  Delayed due to issues with those having breakfast

Congratuations to 2nd Recipient of the Joe Simonet WØTBC Memorial Award

The award was granted to Shel Mann NØDRX at the special event station for Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald special event station on November 3rd.

Secretary’s Report:  Collin KEØIYN

The general meeting minutes from the October 13, 2018 meeting are posted on the website.  Please report any corrections to: Secretary@radioham.org

A moment of silence was observed for Paul Bittner, WØAIH, now Silent Key.

Treasurer’s Report:  Rich ADØSN

Beginning Balance:     10/1/2018         $3.016.13

Income:                                                   $401.00

Expenses:                                                $1031.46

Ending Balance:          10/31/2018     $2,385.67 (Not including RBP income/expenses)

$17,148.94 (Including RBP income/expenses)

Rich wants to point out that there have been over $500 this year in donations alone.

Education and Training:  Bob WØGAF

The General Class License Course is over and the VE session has occurred.  There are 3 new generals, 1 new extra, and 1 new tech.

There are already four people signed up for the spring Technician class.

Activities & Events:  Dave WØOXB (Not Present)

Thursday Night Eyeball Sessions are held at the Stillwater Public Library at 6 PM.

November 15th – SARA Board Meeting.

Tech Topics (a new feature) will be the 1st Thursday of each month.   A Topic Coordinator is needed.  Anyone can volunteer to be a Topic Leader.  Just pick a topic you want to learn about; study up; then lead the discussion.  There will be no topic for November as it will be the Thursday before Split Rock and many will be preparing their final packing for the trip.

Skill Sessions will be on the 4th Thursday of each month.  Anyone can suggest and lead a Skills Night.  The next skill session will be on November 29th, on FT8, WSJT-X, and JTAlert Drill-Down.

Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald Split Rock Lighthouse Special Event:  Nov 2-4, 2018.  Today marks the 43rd anniversary of her sinking.  This was the 14th year of participating.  30 Ops, with 7 newbies (largest number so far), 9 spouses/XYL’s/YL’s/friends, for a total of 39 attendees.  A total of 748 QSO’s were made, most on 20m SSB.  Contact locations were throughout North America with several DX countries.  Over 225 QSL requests have been received to date.  68% of contacts were 20m, 23% 40m, 7% 75m, and less than 1% 17m/30m using FT8.  Lots of positive feedback from people, along with suggestions to add banners about what we are doing.  A thanks was given to John W9LHG for taking the wonderful pictures.

2019 “Ice Station “W0JH” Frozen Lake Elmo Special Event: Currently planned over President’s Day weekend, 16th-18th.  Details to follow, contact Dave W0OXB if you have questions.

2019 WHITE Rock, SD Three State Special Event: May take place in September, will be discussing the possibilities of operating.  This is held where Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota meet.

M.A.P. – Dave WØOXB

This has been a very active year for new and replacement antennas.  A future projects list is maintained by Dave WØOXB and Joe KCØOIO.

Several antenna projects are planned.  Weather and volunteer availability will determine the work we can do, and when.  Are there other things you need assistance with?  Ask.  Please let any officers know if help is needed or are willing to assist.

A gold star is awarded to Rich AD0SN for helping a fellow ham pitch an antenna.

Remote Base Project (RBP)

Both of the remote stations are currently up and running and are 160 meter capable.

Pat WA0TDA recommends thinking about sending the IC-7200 in.  There is a frequency separation issue using the main dial that doesn’t affect remote operation but does affect manual use when things need adjusting.

Washington County ARES:  John KAØHYR

The ARES net takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  November 12st will be the next net on 146.985 SEMARC repeater at 6:30 PM.

Check the web site www.mnwashcoares.net regularly for current events, net schedule, and other items of significance.

SARA Nets & Ragchews:  Joe KCØOIO

A Gobbler Net, 8pm on 160m on Thanksgiving is planned.  May do a Turkey Trot across the bands.

2 meter ragchew is held every Wednesday night at 9 PM CDT.  You can find us at 147.060 MHz DCS code 026N.

160 meters SARA Top Band Ragchew is at 1.966 MHz or close by depending on band conditions and interference.  They operate every night except Tuesday & Thursday at 8 PM CDT.

SARA Tuesday evening Round Robin RagChew – Will now be operating on 75 Meters 3.803 MHz LSB starting at 7PM CDT.  This is ON HOLD as the band is long for now.

SARA Monday morning Round Robin RagChew – It will be operating at 3.856 MHz at 9:00 AM CDT.

The Digital Net is Sundays at 7 PM CDT.   The frequency will be 3.582.15 USB or as directed by the NCS.  The Net Coordinator will email details (mode, frequency, & NCS) on the day of the net.

Newsletter & Website:  Pat WAØTDA & Dave WØOXB

Thanks to Pat and Dave for putting together the newsletter!  Additional contributors are always needed. Deadline for the next issue is November 24th.  Contributors wanted!

 DX News:  Mike NØODK

The bands have been tough, but FT8 is great for working DX.  Three stations including Palestine, Somalia, and Syria are all rare and on right now, and worth hunting.  At the end of November, an Iranian Island with Russians and Iranians on it will launch as a full DXpedition.

November 24-25 is the CW CQ-DX competition.  Phone Sweepstates is coming up as well, with a DXpedition planned to Pitcairn Island for October 2019.

Check out www.ng3k.com for DX & Contest Calendar information.


SARA  wearables are available from www.hamthreads.com.  You can order individually just be sure to give the club name since they have all our logos prepared and on hand.


Program Schedule:

Nov:     What’s with this FT8 –Joe KCØOIO

Dec:     Electronic Keyers – John W9LHG

Jan:      S.W.E.E.P.

Feb:    Operating Roundtable

Mar:    Baluns, Ununs, & Chokes – Dave W0OXB

Currently taking suggestions for April through May 2019

Old Business:

SARA coffee mugs are on sale for $3 each – See Keith AGØH.

The SARA Oval Sticker/Decals are on sale for $1 each or you can get the reflective one for $2 from Rich ADØSN.

Officers for 2019 – Nominations will be at the December Meeting.  Offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one Director (2-yr term) are up and available.

Battery Replacement – The club’s UB12750 12-volt 75 amp/hour batteries were replaced with a pair purchased from Northern Battery in St. Paul.  The final cost was $412.74 for two.

New Business:

Contribution to the W0AIH Memorial Scholarship Fund administered through ARRL Foundation – a GoFundMe page has already been set up.  The possibility of a club contribution is mentioned.  Collin KE0IYN motions $100 donated to fund, with Keith AG0H seconding.  A unanimous motion passes.

Good of Association

SEMARC Meeting – their next meeting will be November 27th at 7 PM at the Zion Lutheran Church located at 8500 Hillside Trail in Cottage Grove.

The SEMARC monthly breakfast is scheduled for November 17th at the North Pole Restaurant in Newport at 7:30 AM.

SEMARC’s VE session is held on the third Saturday of month (except December) at 9 AM at the Zion Lutheran Church, 8500 Hillside Trail in Cottage Grove.

Upcoming Hamfests:

None at this time.

50/50 Drawing:

$74 was collected.  Holly KE0RZZ won $37 and donated the winnings back to the club.

Program – What’s With This FT8 – Joe KC0OIO

Joe spent time talking about the growth of the new digital mode FT-8.  This included history and information on WSJT-X, the unique history of FT8, and setting up the software.  This included covering pitfalls with timing sync issues.  Additional information was given along with a demonstration, showing the software as well as JTAlertX, and about the use of PSKReporter.info website.  There was also a bit of talk on the Fox/Hound mode for DXpedition use.

The program and meeting concluded at 11:14 AM.

Meeting attendance: 36