Ice Station WØJH 2014
OXB Special Install
2019 SARA Executive Officers
Kilo Parks Award
2023 Simonet Memorial Award
2017 SARA Officers
Fitzgerald Crew 2012
SARA Work Party 1
2014 SARA Officers


Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

 1618 Pine Street West

Stillwater, Minnesota  55082

General Meeting Minutes – May 10, 2014


President Peter Howard NØGRM called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Secretary’s Report: Latest update on the wearables is that they will be available prior to Field Day.  Meeting minutes for the April General meeting have been posted on the website.

Treasurers Report:  John N5JLZ     

Beginning Balance:                         $ 4089.38

Income:                                            $ 208.80

Expenses:                                        $ 272.52

Ending Balance:                4/30/2014            $ 4025.66     

Education and Training:   The club now has fourteen new members following a successful VE session on April 24th.  No new members were present at the meeting.   Two new Extra, one new General and 15 new Technician licenses were earned during the session.

Activities –Dave WØOXB

Field Day is Saturday and Sunday, June 28 and 29th.  Setup typically starts around 8:00 Saturday morning and go until 7:00 to 8:00.  Sunday we start around 8:00 again and run until 1:00.  Dave and Peter are looking to see who will be in attendance and who can help with setup and tear down.

Something different this is year will be a side program to help new Hams with understanding and setting up their equipment.  There will be two sessions, one Saturday afternoon the other Sunday.  Included will be instructions on how to build a rolled dipole.

Eyeball meetings take place every Thursday night from 6-8 pm at the Stillwater Library.  This is a good time to get answers answered.

The Rag Chew – ‘Round robin’ weeknight nets run daily from 8-9pm except Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Digital Net: Has been postponed until this fall when it will resume.

Two Meter Net : Rick KØBR invites all members to check into the SARA Two Meter Net every Wednesday night at 9:00 p.m. on 146.070 (positive offset).

Hanihams: Pat WAØTDA discussed up coming program at Camp Courage in Maple Lake, Mn.  Radio Camp will be held in Mid August beginning with campers arriving Saturday the 16th.  Pat solicited volunteers to help – there will be lodging and food provided.  There also is a SARA VE session on Friday, August 22nd.

The business part of the meeting adjourned at 9:20.


Program:  Show n’ Tell and SwapFest.  Keith AGØH showed his construction of the PSK Warbler which was a SARA kit project in 2002. Dave WØOXB gave a short talk around torioids and SWR meters, Peter NØGRM showed off his solar batter charger circuit, Steve KAØOBI gave a Buddipole demonstration and Randy KDØVKB went down memory lane sharing projects he created when he was a kid.

Swap Fest followed.

Minutes compiled by Peter Howard NØGRM