2018 WØTBC Memorial Award-NØDRX
SARA Does Skywarn
New Radio Gear For Some SARA Members!
2014 SARA Officers
Release to Listen Award 2013
Split Rock Lighthouse 2012
Ice Station WØJH 2014
2021 W0TBC Memorial Award
SARA Work Party 3
SARA Work Party 1


Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

1618 Pine Street West

Stillwater, Minnesota 55082


President:  Joe KCØOIO

The meeting was called to order at 9:04 AM.

Secretary’s ReportSteve KAØOBI

The general meeting minutes from the December 9, 2017 meeting are posted on the website.  Please report any corrections to: Secretary@radioham.org

Treasurer’s Report:  John N5JLZ

Beginning Balance:     12/1/2017       $2,631.22

Income:                                                  $291.00

Expenses:                                               $259.95

Ending Balance:          12/31/2017     $2,662.27 (Not including RBP income/expenses)

$16,655.20 (Including RBP income/expenses)

Education and Training:  Bob WØGAF

SkyWarn class will be held Saturday, Feb 24th.  No preregistration is required.

Technician classes will be held from Mar 1st to April 19th.  The location for each class is TBD.

Activities & Events:  Dave WØOXB

January Board Meeting – will be held Jan 18th at the Stillwater Library at 6 PM.

Ice Station WØJH – will be held on President’s Day weekend Feb 17, 18, 19 at Lake Elmo at KØAIF’s QTH.

Minnesota QSO Party – This is an 8 hour contest where MN stations will be the wanted DX.  You are encouraged to apply for a 1×1 temporary call sign.  Go to WØAA.org for further details.

As a thank you to the State Park personnel, we will be sending three Split Rock Lighthouse QSL certificates.

M.A.P. (Membership Assistance Program):  Dave WØOXB

The 2018 project list will be managed by Dave WØOXB and Joe KCØOIO.  This assistance program should be looked at as ‘Our Elmer Program’.  How can you as a member help your fellow members?  Each person has an expertise that can be taught to others.

Remote Base Project: Pat WAØTDA (not present)

Everything is up and running.

Washington County ARES: John KAØHYR (not present)

ARES Net – going forward this will be held every 3rd Wednesday.  Jan 17th at 146.985 at 6:30 local time.

SARA Nets & Ragchews:

Two Meter Ragchew has had great participation with 6-12 people each time.

SARA Tuesday Round Robin Ragchew – on 12 meters at 24.955 MHz at 7PM.  At some point in the evening they may switch to 160 meters.

SARA Monday morning Round Robin Ragchew – will be meeting on 75 meters at 3.856 +/- MHz at 9 AM.

SARA Digi Net – will be on 7 PM (0000 UTC) Sunday at 3.583.15 MHz USB.  The net coordinator will email the details (mode, frequency).  Look for the net up 500-1000 on your waterfall.

SARA  160 meter Top Band Ragchew – is on 1.966 MHz every night at 8PM except Tuesday & Thursday.

Newsletter: Pat WAØTDA & Dave WØOXB

They are thinking about putting ham-related questions and answers in every month’s issue.

DX News: Mike NØODK (not present)

The 3YØZ team is currently in Punta Arenas, Chile getting ready for departure later this month. They expect a 9-11 day voyage to Bouvet.  They also expect to be at Bouvet for 21 days, and allowing for weather, hope to be on the air for 14-16 days.


Be sure to contact www.hamthreads.com for all your club clothing needs.  They do a great job of personalizing hats, shirts, and jackets.


January – SWEEP

February – Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) – Skip KSØJ

March – EMP & CME – What could happen? – John KAØHYR

April – Contest Station WØAIH – Paul Bittner

May – BitX40 Builders Challenge

Old Business:

The new reflective SARA Oval Sticker/Decals are on sale for $2 each from John N5JLZ.

The SARA Coffee Mugs are on sale for $3 each from Keith AGØH.

New Business:

It’s time to pay your 2018 club dues and you will get a new ID badge lanyard.


Nominations of Officers for 2018:

President – Joe Heitzinger KCØOIO

Vice President – Bob Jensen WØGAF

Secretary – Collin O’Connor KEØIYN

Treasurer – Rich Smith ADØSN

Director (2017-18) – Bill Eggers KDØOTB

Director (2018-19) – Doug Farrell N9TOW

The entire slate of officers was unanimously voted in.

Good of Association:

SEMARC will hold a Saturday breakfast at 7 AM every 3rd Saturday at the North Pole restaurant in Newport.

Their regular VE Session is scheduled on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Zion Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove at 9 AM.

50/50:  We took in $70 and the payout pot was $35.  The winner donated $20 back to the club.

Show Us Your Shack: 

The photo this month was of the shack belonging to Dave WØOXB.

Program: SWEEP (SARA White Elephant Exchange Party)

A good time was had by all as the wrapped items were chosen and revealed.  Mary NØDXH was thrilled to end up with the “Flying Pig”.  She vowed to take special care of it and give it a good home and fresh batteries until she must finally part with it on January 12, 2019 at the next SWEEP.

The program and meeting concluded at 10:54 AM.

Meeting attendance: 27