Kilo Parks Award
New Radio Gear For Some SARA Members!
WØJH 2004
2017 SARA Officers
OXB Special Install
Ice Station WØJH 2014
Split Rock Lighthouse 2012
SARA Does Skywarn
Fitzgerald Crew 2011
Release to Listen Award 2013



Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

Virtual membership meeting held via Webex due to the COVID-19 and the unavailability of Boutwells Landing meeting room.

President:  Joe KCØOIO

The meeting was called to order at 9:12 AM. 

Joe KCØOIO welcomed all to the on-line virtual membership meeting using Cisco Webex.

Secretary’s ReportDave N9JNQ

The general minutes from the January Membership and Board meetings are posted on the SARA website.

Please report any corrections or additions to:

Treasurer’s Report:  Rich ADØSN

Beginning Total Balance:   01/01/2021     $17,955.36

  • SARA

Balance:                                                   $5,250.31

Income:                                                   $421.00

Expenses:                                                $11.16

Ending Balance:      01/31/2021              $5,660.15

  • RBF

Balance:                                                 $12,705.05

Income:                                                  $0.00

Expenses:                                               $0.00

Ending Balance:    01/31/2021          $12,705.05

Ending Total Balance: 01/31/2021       $18,365.20

The $11.16 expense reflects payment to for an annual registration of the SARA website domain name.  The club has changed from due to the savings – we formerly paid $150.00 for a three-year registration.

The income to the SARA account reflects $420.00 for dues, and a $1.00 donation.

Activities & Events

Webex Eyeballs

An “Ice-olation Station WØJH” afterglow is scheduled for this evening at 7:00 PM.

There will be a Board meeting on Thursday, February 18, 2021, at 6:30 PM.  All are welcome to join in.

A Virtual Eyeball QSO “Manhattan Project” is scheduled for Friday, February 26, 2021, beginning at 7:30 PM.  Everyone is welcome – BYOB.

A Virtual Eyeball QSO “Q&A Night” is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2021, beginning at 7:00 PM.  

If you missed it, or want a refresher, most if not all of the Membership Meetings and Tech Topic Thursdays can be found on the unlisted SARA YouTube Channel playlist found at playlist?list =PLoaYHzHAObWTib9y95HDRybbRIw cfiMW

And do not forget SARA’s social media presence on Facebook (SARA-Stillwater Amateur Radio Association) and Instagram (@sararadioham).

Training and Education

Bob WØGAF reported that the General class is off and running with six participants at the moment.  The class is being held on Wednesdays to allow participants to take advantage of the SARA Thursday night online activities.  Thanks again to all instructors.

Bob reports that Metro Skywarn Spotter Training is taking place virtually this year.  They are asking that you refrain from signing up for the class if you are not due this year to provide open spots for the folks who do need to update this year.  You would need to update if your last class was 2018 or earlier; if you took your class in 2019, you do not need to attend.  Go to for further information and to sign up for a class.

Tech Topic Thursdays  – Mike KFØCCL

Many thanks to Mike KFØCCL for securing Martin F. Jue K5FLU, founder of MFJ, for our February 11 Tech Topic Thursday, it was a great presentation and very interesting.  The presentation will be up on our YouTube channel playlist shortly.

Mike reports that the March 11 presentation is yet to be determined.  Mike noted that he has recently been focusing on scheduling product manufacturer reps for presentation, such as an upcoming presentation on Yaesu System Fusion by John Kruk N9UPC, National Sales Manager-Amateur Division for Yaesu USA.  However, we are also interested in presentations by SARA members, so please let Mike know if you would like to take a turn at bat.  Mike is currently looking into securing a member who has experience in RF safety issues.  Mike can be reached at KFØ

Ice-olation Station WØJH – Joe KCØOIO & Dave WØOXB

The Ice-olation Station WØJH is on the air as we speak, runs February 11 through Presidents’ Day, the 13th.  Dave WØOXB reports that there are approximately 10 operators currently signed up, all operating from their own QTHs (Distributed Operating Stations). Time slots are available, go to the SignUpGenius site set up by Joe KCØOIO to see what is available.  If you do not care to operate, you may want to listen in to the operators and get an idea of how they handle pile ups.  The frequencies used can be found on the SARA website as well as the listing for WØJH.  Thanks much to all the operators.

M.A.P.:  Dave WØOXB

Dave WØOXB reports that outdoor antenna raisings are on hold due to the winter weather.  Keep in mind, M.A.P. provides services other than antenna construction, including setting up shacks, getting on digital modes, etc.  And under current conditions, we can provide member-to-member assistance via non-contact methods, such as email, video chats, and on air discussions.  For example, there has been recent activities problem solving a problem getting a member’s rig to talk nicely to its antenna, with Dave participating by telephone and on air.

Please contact Dave WØOXB or a SARA officer if you need help, antenna or otherwise.

New Ham Resource Team: Brian NØBJE, Holly KEØRZZ, and Mark KEØQQN

This group is an outreach program providing help to SARA’s newly licensed and veteran hams alike.  The KDØOTB Memorial Station and two Yaesu FT-70 HTs are available to members who need help getting on the air.  A KBØOHI Memorial Loaner HF Station will be available soon.  Brian N0BJE continues to gather together equipment to pass through to members in need.  Please contact Brian, or any of the Team, if you need services.

Washington County ARES:  John KAØHYR

John KAØHYR is retiring as Emergency Coordinator at the end of February.  Thanks for your service, John, you leave big shoes to fill.  Washington County ARES is looking for a new EC, so if you are someone you know my have interest in the position, let Joe KCØOIO know and he will pass the information on.

The ARES net that typically takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month on the 147.180 repeater have been suspended until there is a new EC in place.

Check the web site regularly for current events, net schedule, and other items of significance:

DX News:  Mike NØODK

Mike NØODK reports that there are no DXpeditions due to COVID-19.

Nevertheless, there are a number of events coming up to keep you active, including a number QSO parties (the Minnesota QSO party was last weekend).  The CQ World Wide 160 meter SSB contest is coming up 2200Z February 26 through 2200Z February 28, 2021,.  The CQ World Wide WPX SSB contest runs March 27 through 28, 2021.   The ARRL CW DX contest is February 20 through 21, 2021, with its SSB counterpart running March 6 through 7, 2021.  And the CQ WPX RTTY contest is running this weekend.

Get the latest DX news by subscribing to the ARRL DX News  Also check out for DX.  For contests try the WA7BNM Contest Calendar

SARA Nets & Ragchews:  Dave WØOXB & Joe KCØOIO

The full schedule for on-air activities can be found in the weekly SARA Broadcast email send Sundays by Joe KCØOIO.

160 Top Band Evening Round Robin Ragchew continues on a nightly basis.

The Monday morning 75 meter net begins at 9:00 AM at 3.856 MHZ.

The SARA WØJH 2 meter repeater noon hour “Lunch Room” runs through the noon hour Monday thru Friday.

Two-meter Tuesday (TMT) can be found on the SARA repeater, operating 7:00 – 8:00 pm, with a 160 meter afterglow at 1.966 beginning at 8 pm.

The Wednesday night 2-meter net, hosted by Rick KØBR, continues its long run, beginning at 9:00 pm.

The Digital Net is heard Sundays at 7 PM CST.  The net can be found at 3.584.15 MHz on your radio dial using USB unless the NCS indicates otherwise.

The SARA Emergency Power Day has been successfully held the first Tuesday of every month on Two Meter Tuesday and the 160 meter afterglow.  The goal is to operate emergency power (generator, solar, wind), although all are welcome.  We have our last scheduled session coming up March 2, 2021.  We will reconsider the event’s fate after that.  Dave WØOXB reports that the February session on two meters had 12 check-ins, with six on battery and six on line power; the 160 ragchew had 15 check-ins with nine on line power and six on battery or generators.

Remote Base Project (RBP):  Pat WAØTDA

Pat WAØTDA reports that the remote bases are all running well.  It is a nice change for the WØEQO station to now be located in a heated facility; it once was housed in an unheated attic, which in weather such as we have recently experienced “issues”.

Newsletter:  Pat WAØTDA & Dave WØOXB

The deadline for the March issue of SARA Signals is the weekend of March 6-7, 2021.  A continuing thanks to Pat WAØTDA and Dave WØOXB for their work on the newsletter.


Do not forget that SARA-labeled hats, shirts, jackets, and other wearables are available from  SARA members will receive a discount on all orders.

Club Business:

Equipment Donation:  Dave N9JNQ reported on the recent equipment donation to SARA from the wife of former club member Jerry KBØOHI, a silent key who passed about three years ago.  The equipment has been inventoried and a list of equipment available offered at a goodwill donation price can be found on the February SARA Signals Newsletter, so take a look.  Equipment remaining at the end of the month will be listed on available ham radio websites and swap nets.

Joe KCØOIO noted that the meeting Webex site will be left up for the day for those who would like to watch his Ice-olation Station operations today.

The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 9:38 AM.


ARRL Minnesota Section Update by Bill Mitchell AEØEE, ARRL Section Manager.

Bill reports being quite busy the last few weeks with requests from prospective hams asking about how to get into the hobby.  Bill likes to refer them to clubs in their general area, so asks that all local clubs keep their websites up to date with current information about license classes, VE sessions, etc.

Bill announced that there is a new Affiliated Club Coordinator, Holly Cox KØHAC, available to provide clubs with ideas regarding publicity, speakers, etc.  Also available to clubs is the Minnesota Section Public Information Coordinator, Matt Holden KØBBC.  Benton Jackson K0BHJ is the Minnesota Section Emergency Coordinator.

Bill noted that there is a need for Volunteer Examiners (VEs), especially those with an Amateur Extra license.  And webs specialists are needed to help create and maintain the Minnesota Section website.

The current Section Traffic Manager, who took the position temporarily in the early 1990s, would like to retire from the position.  If you are interested or would like more information as to what the position entails, please contact Bill.

Last, the ARRL Learning Network is looking for speakers for webinars.  If interested in sharing your expertise,  contact Bill.  Otherwise, all hams are encouraged to go to the ARRL website to see what webinars are available to you and your club.

Bill noted that the SSB Rookie Roundup is coming up on Sunday April 18, but is not limited to those newly licensed, but also those who are “rookies” when it comes to contesting.

Field Day this year will have a 150 watt limit for home QTH operators, due to the experience from last year’s “quarantined at home” event, where amplifiers were in use and knocking out the smaller stations.

Last, Bill threw down the “52 Call Sign Challenge.”  Contact Bill for details.

Pandemic Mini-DXpedition

As an added bonus, Bill gave us a “mosquito bite by mosquito bite” description of his COVID-safe DXpedition to a northwestern Minnesota SOTA destination, followed by a stay at the Hankinson Hills Campground in Hankinson, North Dakota, in September 2020.  Bill coordinated the trip with the September ARRL VHF Contest.  Bill found that a “summit” in northwestern Minnesota can be a bit muddy, wet, heavily vegetated, mosquito-ridden, and not exactly high.  But he did make a few VHF contacts with his Rover.  He was also successful in making some 40-meter QRP CW contacts from the comfort of his tent in Hankinson.  Overall, a great way to get on the air in a safe manner during trying times.

It must be noted that, as he was giving his presentation remotely, Bill was enjoying a hot drink from a commemorative SARA coffee cup.

The program was concluded at 10:28 AM.

Meeting attendance: 23