SARA Field Day 2011
Fitzgerald Crew 2012
Fitzgerald Crew 2011
2014 SARA Officers
May 14th Fox Hunt! What Fun!
Kilo Parks Award
Release to Listen Award 2013
WØJH 2004
OXB Special Install


Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

1618 Pine Street West

Stillwater, MN 55082


Roll Call of Officers: Six officers were present.

Vice President: Keith AGØH (presided in the absence of the President, Joe KCØOIO)

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

Secretary’s Report: Steve KAØOBI

Minutes for February 19, 2015 Board Meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report: John N5JLZ

Beginning Balance      2/1/2015         $2,909.29
Income:                                                $43.16
Expenses:                                            $55.04
Ending Balance           2/28/2015       $2,897.41

Membership dues have been received from 60 voting and 8 associate members.

Activities/Events: Dave WØOXB

Field Day – 6/27 & 6/28 – the request for a liquor permit will be picked up at the time the keys are obtained for the event.

White Rock, SD – considering this event for September 18th-20th or 25th– 27th. Bob WØGAF and Dave WØOXB are doing the planning.

Mobile & Portable Operations Show-N-Tell Day – scheduled for June 13th at Autumn Hills Park. We will send out an open invite to SEMARC.


Outdoor maintenance projects will begin soon and volunteers are needed to help.

 Meeting Programs:

April – Lyle KØLR will discuss SDR (Software Defined Radio).

May – Mike KCØIQW is scheduled to talk about Broadband HamNet and re-purposing Linksys routers.

October – Fun with DX put on by Mike NØODK

Keith will talk to Mike WAØKKE about a date for doing an Easy Pal program. Joe KCØOIO and Bob WØGAF will be doing a program on using smart phones and tablets in hamming. John Dean KØJDD is a possibility for an APRS program.

Education and Training: Bob WØGAF

Shel NØDRX has arranged for a room at Boutwells during the Thursday evenings (April 16th & 23rd) when there isn’t any room at the Stillwater Library.

VE Sessions scheduled –      April 30th at Boutwells and August 23rd at Radio Camp

New Ham Night May 21st – we should try to get a reservation for the library outdoor patio. Steve KAØOBI, Peter NØGRM, and Bob WØGAF may stage an Elecraft KX3 and Buddipole demonstration.

Lake Elmo Elementary School – Monday 23rd from 1 to 1:30 PM local. The SARA repeater will be used as part of an on-air demonstration about radio waves. The session will be conducted by Dave KEØAIF, parent of a sixth grade student at the school.

Newsletter & Website: Dave WØOXB

The deadline for submitting content for the April issue is March 28th. The issue will be published by April 5th.

Repeater: Shel NØDRX will be attending the Repeater Council Spring Meeting on Saturday April 11th.

Unfinished Business:

Coffee Mug with Club Logo – Keith AGØH is continuing to check on several options which include getting quotes from a local Stillwater mug supplier.

River Valley Slow Speed CW Net is scheduled to continue testing on 3.566, 7.066, 21.066. So far the 15 meter band provided the best results for local coverage. There was also discussion about trying 6 and 10 meters as well.

The two power supplies purchased for the laptops have performed well so far with clear waterfall in digital mode software.

 New Business:

The Battle of the Bulge Special Event is being held Sunday, March 22nd from 0930 to 1100 AM local (1430 to 1600 UTC) on 20 meters (14.150-14.175 MHz) using call sign OT7ØBULGE.

Shel NØDRX is researching the early history of SARA to see if the 25th Anniversary is this year.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM.