Release to Listen Award 2013
WØJH 2004
SARA Work Party 1
2017 SARA Officers
SARA Does Skywarn
Ice Station WØJH 2014
2023 Simonet Memorial Award
OXB Special Install
SARA Work Party 2

Board Meeting Minutes – February 18, 2016

Stillwater Amateur Radio Association

1618 Pine Street West

Stillwater, Minnesota 55082


Roll Call of Officers – Five officers were in attendance which was sufficient for a quorum.

Steve KAØOBI and John N5JLZ were absent.

President: Joe KCØOIO

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM.

Secretary’s Report – Steve KAØOBI (not present)

Minutes from the Board Meeting on January 14th, 2016 have been posted on the website. No additional comments from the group.

Treasurers Report – John N5JLZ (not present)

Beginning Balance                  1/1/2016                     $3,155.85

Income                                                                           $184.00

Expenses                                                                        $350.00

Ending Balance                       1/31/2016                    $2,989.85

Approximately $1,200 was taken in from HELP gear sales.

Reports of Committees:

Activities & Events: Dave WØOXB

Ice Station WØJH – The station was on the air each day at 1000 CST. About 750 QSOs were logged. There were 10 operators and loggers that participated along with 3 visitors. Overall turnout of membership was low. The new location of the event did not seem to have a significant impact on turnout. The group recommended no action be taken to increase participation and confirmed that there is no expectation that the percentage of the total membership participating in the event is a direct correlation to the success of the event. The primary objective is to create the opportunity for participation.


No activity to report in January or February.

Meetings & Programs – Joe KCØOIO

February – SSTV & DSSTV – Keith AGØH & Mike WAØKKE. The presentation was well received by the membership. Well done Keith and Mike.

March – Joe KCØOIO suggested the March event be a mini hamfest to offer HELP equipment for sale to members. The idea was approved by board members.

April – Foxhunting – Dan Franz WDØGUP. A SARA/SEMARC sponsored East Metro Foxhunt is scheduled for April 23rd.

May – SOTA (Summits on the Air) – Jim KDØIPI

The remaining schedule was confirmed.

Education & Training Report – Bob WØGAF

Extra Class Study Group has 6 to 8 people interested. This would run concurrently on the same nights as the Technician classes.

The SkyWarn training session will be held Feb 27th at 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM at the Stillwater Library. There will be time set aside for a lunch break.

The Technician Class training will begin March 3rd. A VE testing session will be held on April 28th at Boutwells. Dave WØOXB has distributed flyers and has provided promotional articles to local newspapers and will follow up with each to keep track of which have published. Dave also made contact with Channel 5 weatherman Dave Dahl, who was going to try to mention the class on his broadcast.

New Ham Night will take place on May 19th at Brekke Park (Oak Park Heights) from 5 to 9 PM.

The regular Board Meeting will be rescheduled to May 26th.

Newsletter & Websites – Pat Tice WAØTDA (not present) & Dave WØOXB

Peter NØGRM confirmed that the scheduled server upgrade will not impact the website or disrupt service.

Repeater – Henry KØHAS & Shel NØDRX

Making progress on the digipeater implementation. Members discussed the potential of working with Don Rice NØBVE and determined there is no opportunity at this time.

Unfinished Business

We are caught up on entering equipment assessment forms. A second workday was completed at the storage site. Pictures were posted on Flickr by Keith AGØH.

Plans are progressing for a few members to take gear to the Eau Claire Hamfest to sell. We are targeting May 7th as the time to open up the sale of equipment beyond SARA members. Also considering sale of gear at Magic Repeater garage sale.

Eyeball Sessions – Fldigi Setup – Feb 25th. Bob will bring projector and Joe will send note to members. Volt/Amp Meter Kit hit a snag in that the shunt on the kit is on the negative lead. We need to make sure we plan for this. Will continue to research.

ARRL 2016 National Parks Anniversary Special Event (NPOTA) – Joe suggested every 3 weeks for this event and is looking for suggestions on parks.

New Business

Proposal to offer an Associate Membership to Bill Jones NØCIC in recognition of his support of the HandiHam remote station: A motion was made, seconded and passed.

Utilize HELP funds to purchase a new balun for the remote station up North. A motion was made, seconded and passed.

Discussed membership subsidy for HandiHam members. A motion was made and passed to table discussion pending participation by Pat WAØTDA in the discussion.

Confirmed schedule for paying Minnesota Sales Tax on HELP gear sold is monthly.

Amateur Radio Newsline coverage of Ice Station Event by Ken KDØDGY.

Dave will ask John KAØHYR if he is willing to do an interview with the Woodbury Bulletin to promote the upcoming Skywarn class.

Field Day – Joe KCØOIO has two copies of the 2016 Rule Book. There are some new features this year. It is never too early to start FD planning.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM.